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Emerging Leaders Programme

FMLM Accreditation Marque
Two of our ELP graduates at their project presentations

The Oxford Emerging Leaders Programme uses blended learning techniques to introduce and develop leadership and teamwork skills.


Delegates are encouraged to actively employ learning in their environments through team quality improvement projects, affording them an opportunity to experiment with and adapt new skills and techniques.

Teaching methods include presentations, small and large group discussions and facilitated project work.

Programme structure diagram

"Extremely well-structured programme: the design had clearly been well thought out. The time-scale was appropriate. The support from the ELP faculty was excellent." - ELP2

Eight Leadership Workshops

(6 full day workshops and 2 extra group days)

Team Leadership Projects

(in multidisciplinary teams of 3-6)

Individual Coaching Conversations

(One on one with a coach)

Team project work requires a significant time commitment while on this course.

FMLM Accreditation Marque


Six full-day workshops and two study days help actively introduce you to new leadership ideas.

Participants agree to attend at least six of eight sessions and must have approval to do so.

Each workshop includes:

Inspiring Speakers

Personal and Team Reflections

Practical Leadership Skills

Healthcare Leadership Theory

Team Project Work

Team Projects

Real leadership development requires practical experience.


The ELP is centred on a multidisciplinary team leadership project as a vehicle for your leadership learning.These projects offer an opportunity for you to work together as a leadership team, to apply your learning from the workshops, and to develop as collaborative leaders.

Leadership projects are supported by ELP faculty and by a team mentor.

Projects represent a considerable time commitment on the programme.

They are also consistently cited as the most important and satisfying part of the ELP.


Some examples of past projects are included as posters, and video abstracts below.


Session topics often include:

  • Project Planning

  • Complexity

  • Quality Improvement

  • Innovation

  • Leadership Styles

  • Leadership Theory

  • High Performing Teams

  • Sustainable Change

  • Managing Conflict

  • Business Planning

  • Negotiation

  • Influence

  • Communication

  • Team Resilience

  • Psychological Safety

  • Leadership Ethics

  • Healthcare Strategy

Topics may be adjusted according to participant needs

Participant reactions to the programme
Reactions to one of the workshops

ELP - Faculty & Past Speakers

Faculty Photo

Oscar Lyons


Faculty Photo

Oscar Lyons


Faculty Photo

Oscar Lyons



Our graduates have won multiple awards for their projects.

ELP graduates have taken on a variety of leadership positions, from consultant and matron roles, to ward management, chairing representative groups and starting their own leadership programmes.

Individual Impact

Skills, knowledge, confidence:

Delegates learn a range of important leadership, management, teamwork, and conflict resolution skills. Through facilitated group work and team projects, you will have the opportunity to practice, adapt and improve your practical skills and confidence.


By working in teams with other healthcare professionals, you will develop relationships with peers you might otherwise not have the chance to interact with. Internal and external fireside chat sessions offer opportunities to interact with senior healthcare leaders.

Organisational Impact

Team project outcomes:

Teams design, deliver and evaluate a quality improvement project. Project topics are proposed by OUH leaders and adapted by teams. 

Leadership capacity:

Leadership theory, skills and practical experience are developed in early to mid-career healthcare professionals, who are important future leaders.

Conflict resolution capacity:

Delegates are trained in recognition, management and resolution of conflict. Conflict is inevitable in work environments, and by learning to effectively recognise and manage conflict, delegates may be able to improve team functioning and cohesiveness.


By offering a means for early to mid-career multidisciplinary healthcare professionals to interact and work with each other, the Emerging Leaders Programme helps to build a more connected community.


Number of participants:

Up to 25 multidisciplinary delegates per cohort.

Participant Description:

Clinical and non-clinical staff working in Oxford University Hospitals, including but not limited to: doctors, nurses, allied health clinicians and admin/support staff.


This programme is valued at up to £20,000 per participant.

Successful applicants to the ELP are fully sponsored for their course costs

Selection Criteria:

Delegates will be selected based on the basis of your application question answers. Recommendations may be taken into account.

We aim for a diverse mix of participants including doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and managers.


Workshop Feedback


"I was post-nights and didn't even feel sleepy because of how interesting it all was!"

"Excellent session! Really enjoyed the discussion about healthcare finance and policy-making. Good group work session."

"The talk on the NHS structure this morning was fantastic."

"Very interesting presentation about NHS innovation this morning."

"Made potentially distant topics very relevant to us"
"Great speakers, great use of stories"

"Just carry on what you're doing. Amazing program!"

"The management sessions are excellent – well informed engaging speakers – I could listen all day estimation point"

"I am really enjoying the course and would recommend to colleagues next year"

Programme Feedback

“I have been successful in my latest job interview, an interview I also did a year ago where I wasn't successful at the time.  My feedback for getting the role this time round was that I have gained much more knowledge and experience in service development and leadership. Which I feel is down to the knowledge I have gained from the course and then had been able to implement in my practice since starting the course.” 

“I believe by being self-aware of my own actions and perceptions and how I may be perceived in situations this will help me become a compassionate and strong leader which I feel the trust would benefit from. I have worked for the trust on and off for 9 years and the course has really highlighted what makes a good leader/manager and what doesn't. In that time, I have experienced and worked for quite a lot of weak, mean, and bad managers who unfortunately mentor and create similar bad managers. This course allows this cycle to be broken.”

“ELP changed my understanding about leadership and conflict management and made me a humbler person who is ready to accommodate other’s views; there was a noticeable change in my behaviour at my workplace. This experience changed my thoughts about other’s ability to find solutions to problems and I have started to pay more attention to other opinions. Now I find it easier than before to manage conflict and appreciate others.”

“Often, there have been instances where myself and my colleagues have felt that we have not been able to provide the standard of care that we would have hoped due to systemic factors out of our control. When this becomes a repeated observation, it reinforces disillusionment and self criticism that can have adverse effects on intrinsic motivation, morale, and mental well-being. This is reflected in the high rate of burnout reported amongst healthcare professionals, which is a reality amongst many of my colleagues. ELP has allowed me to reframe hardship as an opportunity to understand a system’s failings and a driver for advocacy and meaningful change.”


Visit the applications page to learn more about the application process and current availability. For other queries, fill out our contact form via the 'Contact Us' page.

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